Living like it means something

I watched a great film on the weekend; It’s a Funny Kind of Story is about 15 year old Craig. He attends a prestigious Executive Pre-Professional High School in NYC and becomes overwhelmed by the intense pressure of academia, family and peers. His stress eventually manifests its self in an eating disorder, depression, affected sleep habits and suicidal thoughts.

He is admitted to a nearby psychiatric hospital and meets some interesting characters. One such character, Bobby, becomes Craig’s mentor. In one special scene, Bobby, compares his lonely existence to Craig’s fortunate life saying: “If I was you I would do so much… I would just live like it meant something”.

So this got me thinking, am I living my life like it means something?

Have I succumbed to pressures and perceived expectations of life like Craig?

Am I paving the way or following the path?

Upon reflection, I think I have made a start by making some tough but positive changes in my life. I have only just started my journey, and perhaps it’s a life-long one. Personally, I’m working on being more innovative in my work, taking time to enjoy life in the moment, being more appreciative of success, and trying to leave the world a little better then when I entered it.

You may want to ask yourself: If I was to ‘live like it meant something’, what would that look like? How would my life be different? What would I be doing that I’m not doing now?