When the small things become big

Home from a productive business trip in Melbourne. Back into the routine – unpack, cook dinner, walk dogs, feed dogs. Uncomplicated expect for a minor hiccup – the strong smelling fish oil used to treat my elderly dogs arthritis had somehow spilt and oozed through the entire cupboard, infecting everything with its fishy, meaty smell.

I had a ‘grrrr’ moment. But I thought to myself – not a major issue – let Rupert deal with it.

The next day as I opened the washing machine to load some clothes I was hit again with the foul smell of fish oil. After further inspect, I found that not only were the affected dog halters & jumpers in the washing machine but also a load of our clothes!

After two weeks of washing, re-washing, deodorising, de-greasing, boiling and having a house that smelt like fish, our clothes were still infected. And now, not only did the original clothes smell but everything and anything that touched the clothes or came in contact with the washer & dryer smelt too.

The seemingly minor hiccup had turned into a major issue! Our washing machine:infected; the dryer: infected; the clothes line: infected; the washing basket: infected; all the dogs halters, leads and jumpers: infected; our gym clothes: infected.

Faced with the prospect of having to purchase new gym clothes, dog supplies and find new ways to rid the house of the terrible smell, created more and more frustration with each passing day.

How could such a small and simple thing create such wide-spread havoc on the house, our time and our budget?

So, this got me thinking, how do the small things become so big? And is it possible to contain them so that they stay small and insignificant?

Want some practical tips on maintaining perspective and keeping small issues contained? Check out the article, Dealing with setbacks.